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Tennessee Philosophical Association
51th Annual Meeting: Nov. 8-9, 2019
Vanderbilt University

 Keynote Speaker

 Kenny Easwaran, Texas A&M University

Transformations of the City


Abstract. There are two entities that we refer to as a city - the collection of human individuals living in a bounded geography, and the set of physical and legal structures that are built to help the people live their lives. Changes in one of these entities don't always accompany changes in the other - when Rotterdam and Dresden were bombed and rebuilt, they largely had the same people, but new structures; the cities of Venice and Florence largely have old structures, but are now primarily full of tourists in a way other Italian cities are not. I have argued in earlier work that the city as people constitutes an agent that can have a conception of rationality (at least in some attenuated sense). Replacement of the people then constitutes what LA Paul has called a "transformative experience". I will argue that distinguishing the change of the physical and legal structure from the change of the people can help us better understand urban phenomena, and may help us manage these transformations in more mutually agreeable ways.

Friday, 7:30 P.M., 114 Furman Hall, followed by a spirited reception

Sessions: Saturday, Furman Hall

9:00 am through 4:40 pm